Calendula for Eczema: Why You Should Try it

By Angelique M. Saffle (bio below)
Calendula is known in herbalist circles as the “mother of the skin.” It is a safe and gentle plant, possessing no known drug interactions or adverse effects for long-term use. Calendula in an oil or salve form is the perfect herb for many skin issues on the face and body and should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet in some form.
The petals are composed of resins which contain a potent array of powerful antioxidant compounds. These protect the skin from free-radical damage and play an active role in healing. Calendula has been found to increase collagen and elastin in the skin and can assist in preventing the formation of scar tissue. It feels soothing on application and can be used safely by all ages.
Traditional applications include use on:
- eczema
- psoriasis
- aging & dry skin
- sunburn
- radiation burns
- recent or hard-to-heal wounds
- insect bites
- varicose & spider veins
Calendula for Eczema
Calendula is popular among those with eczema, psoriasis and itchy or dry skin. Here are some reasons why calendula is so beneficial for eczema:
- Aids in wound healing
- Soothes itchy skin
- Helps reduce scaring from scratching
- Reduces topical pain
- Reduces skin inflammation
And when it’s combined with nourishing oils, it’s very moisturizing as well. Try one of our skin care products made with calendula for eczema relief naturally. For itchy, inflamed skin, this Skin Soothing Spray contains both calendula and aloe – what a powerfully calming duo! For all over moisture, you have two great options, Organic Calendula Oil and Organic Calendula Salve. Both are equally lovely, just different in their composition. The question is, are you more of an oil fan or a salve/balm fan?
Where on your body is your eczema located? Do you have eczema on the face? Then cleanse first with this Calendula Eczema Face Wash – it’s extremely soothing, gentle and non-drying. Follow up with this heavenly Calendula Eczema Cream for Face which has the highest possible dose of calendula resins combined with anti-inflammatory rooibos and DMAE.
Other Topical Uses
One of the most potent ways to use real Calendula resins and ensure penetration into deeper layers of the skin is via an oil. We use organic calendula oil at home as our daily moisturizer just to keep our skin healthy & young-looking. This multi-tasker can be used head to toe including a few drops on the face to be used as remedies for roasacea, dry skin, climate damaged skin and even acne.
Organic calendula oil is popular with men as a grooming product. It can be used as a shaving oil, for razor burn and as an after shave treatment for those with sensitive skin.
For our friends who are traveling someplace warm this summer season, remember to bring your calendula with you. It is called the “Flower of the Sun” for for its ability to nourish and soothe sun-damaged skin. A soothing organic calendula salve makes a great after-sun treatment.
Calendula is also used as topical in the treatment for radiation induced dermatitis. It is interesting to note that this plant, even as far back as the 1600’s, was termed “the cancer herb” as it was noted as an effective treatment for “abnormal” or damaged skin. Practioners use calendula with their patients in a number of ways including as a mild analgesic (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, bactericide and vulnerary as it promotes healthy wound healing and cell repair.
Bio: Angelique M. Saffle is president and founder of Bodyceuticals Calendula Skincare, a USDA Certified Organic grower/producer of calendula flowers and also a USDA Certified Organic processor/manufacturer. Reach Angelique via email: and follow Bodyceutifcals on Facebook.
[…] Calendula extracts and calendula leaves are very commonly used in the preparation of a lot of skin medications. And that’s because of its superb healing prowess. Calendula tea can be proved mighty successful while dealing with eczema. […]
[…] Calendula: The antioxidant compounds are found in the plants’ petals. They protect the skin from free-radical damage, increase collagen, and soothe the skin. Calendula can be used for several skin issues, including eczema, aging & dry skin, sunburn, psoriasis, and more! (source) […]
Should I apply lotion first before calendula or calendula first before the lotion? Does it make a difference?