The Road from Eczema to Naturopathic Doctor – Introducing Dr. Amy Duong
I’m super excited about today’s post! Since starting this blog and The Eczema Company, I’ve dreamed about a day when I could offer you more than just my own experiences or stories from others who have walked down this difficult path to improved health. I also have hoped to be able to provide you with more than general advice from a conventional or alternative medical practitioner. Of course these things are helpful – they encourage you to take control of your or your child’s health, to ask the right questions of your own doctors, to consider natural healing methods and hopefully lead you towards a more holistic way of life. BUT if these things just aren’t enough and you need specific help and guidance with alternative treatments and care, I am happy to say that I have finally found someone you can turn to.
Meet Dr. Amy Duong, naturopath and acupuncturist specializing in skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and acne. I love that her own battles with eczema inspired Dr. Amy to specialize in skin issues and really, really love that she is very accessible and conducts consultations via phone and Skype. Although many of you have expressed an interest in seeking the advice of a naturopath, I kept hearing that it was difficult to find one that was easily accessible to you. And Dr. Amy is. YAY!
So today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Amy. She will be writing for us quite often – starting off with her own story today. Please join us in welcoming her.
And now, here’s Dr. Amy’s story…..
The Road from Eczema to Naturopathic Doctor
by Dr. Amy Duong (bio below)
Patient: Amy Duong, 5 yo female
Critical Concern: Eczema
History of present illness:
Patient reports having itchy, red rashes, weeping eczema, flaky and opened skin especially around her inner arms and the back of her knees. She has been covering her skin with long-sleeve shirts and sweaters at school. Also reports that she is worse at night with severe itching and not being able to sleep. Her mom keeps the light on and rubs her back to help her stop scratching at night.
Dermatologist assessment: Eczema and atopic dermatitis, ICD-9 682.0
Rx prescription: Steroid creams x 20 years, oatmeal baths, and tar shampoo.
Does this sound familiar to you? This is a close replica of my patient file after the first of many of my visits to the dermatologist as a child. This ongoing relationship with frustrating office visits and thin swipes of a myriad of steroid creams plagued my childhood and young adult years. I went to different dermatologists with a small sense of hope that this doctor would actually listen to me or this doctor would finally treat the under lying cause of my eczema. But alas, I came out so angry each time and saddened at the thought of living the rest of my life with irritated, red and weepy skin and a dependence on steroid creams.
I distinctly remember one doctor who didn’t speak very much English, whip out a pamphlet with the spectrum of steroid creams from least to most potent and then indicated we were going to go down that list till I was satisfied with the condition of my skin. At this point, I knew that it was time I took my health into my own hands. I had just graduated from the University of Virginia with a pre-med and religious studies degrees and wasn’t convinced I wanted to contribute to a healthcare system that promoted drug therapy.
Then, I found naturopathic medicine and I knew this system of medicine promoted the principles that made my heart sing: the healing power of nature, treating the cause of disease, doctor as teacher, and the union of mind, body and spirit. I went to naturopathic school to heal myself and gain the knowledge and tools to help others who suffered similarly. I learned about the relationship between our digestive system, our mental attitude and the manifestation of the largest organ of detoxification in our body – the skin. Through changing my diet, engaging in detoxification, self-care (dry skin brushing, meditation, etc.) and learning different forms of meditation, I healed my eczema from the inside out.
It is my passion to help others find relief with a holistic approach for healing their skin and whole self. I am so honored to be in the position to teach from the clarity of my own experience everyday. I look forward to helping anyone suffering from eczema in identifying the root cause of their eczema and in turn living more vibrantly with beautiful clear skin.
Bio: Dr. Amy Duong completed her Naturopathic Doctorate at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, where she also trained in Acupuncture. She offers general naturopathic care with a special focus on skin disorders including eczema, acne and psoriasis as well as anxiety, depression and digestive concerns. Currently, Dr. Duong is based in Connecticut where she sees many lovely patients of all ages with common skin conditions and other medical concerns in her naturopathic medical practice. She also shares her expertise with people across the country and overseas through phone and Skype consultations. Visit for more information on her approach to skin care and to set-up an appointment.
Check out Amy on Instagram too!
FROM: Contributors, Eczema
I have probably driven past her office a dozen times this month. I have an appointment this week. Thank for the info.
Dr. Amy is great! I hope things go really well – I’m sure you’ll have a good action plan after meeting with her. Keep us posted on your progress please!