Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema

Posts Tagged ‘environmental allergies’

Hydrotherapy for Eczema in Avène, France: Aidan’s Story

This is an incredible story from a mom, much like many of us, just didn’t know what else to do to help your son find eczema relief after years and years of trying everything. They end up at the Avène Hydrotherapy Center in France. Just what makes this center so interesting for those with skin issues like…

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Looking at the bigger picture when it comes to healing dermatities

By Tami Bronstein, BSc Phyt (Hons), MNIMH, AHG (Bio Below) Relief; something we desperately seek when suffering.  Skin, as the largest organ of the body, can be an all-consuming suffering when eczema is in the picture.  As adults, we learn to distract ourselves from discomforts to some degree; children don’t understand, they simply succumb to…

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Frustration and Helplessness for Allergic Asthma

Frustration for me is having no answers. Right now I’m very frustrated. Over the past few weeks Tristan’s asthma has started to flare out of control. Every night he has coughing fits as the Ventolin and the air purifier don’t offer the relief they used to. We’re on to Flovent now to see if it…

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The Green Monster: Growing Up with Eczema

Kim is new blogger on the eczema scene. I first learned about her blog over on Twitter where she’s constantly tweeting about eczema news and related stories. She had chronic eczema as a child and still suffers today so I asked her to share a story with us from her childhood. I always find it…

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Hidden Allergies in the Home and Where to Find Them

Although I feel pretty well versed on eczema and food allergies, I have next to zero knowledge on indoor allergies as my family doesn’t suffer from them. Thankfully we were spared from them as seasonal allergies and food allergies remain our close companions. Since I can’t speak to allergens that lurk in the most unsuspecting…

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