Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema
Posts Tagged ‘eczema parents’
Eczema: 6 Steps to Improve Your Child’s Confidence
By Aradhana Pandey (Bio below) Preparing your little one for school ought to be one of the proudest moments of your life. It seems like just yesterday that you held them in your warm embrace for the first time. Today, you see them all grown up and set to face a brand new chapter in their life. Until now, your child…
Read MoreHow Does One Family Go GAPS? – One Pot of Soup at a Time
How Does One Family go GAPS? – One Pot of Soup at a Time By Ronit Feinglass Plank (bio below) Well, it’s happened. I, a former vegan, have animal parts in my refrigerator. Seriously, there are all kinds in there: steaks, turkey breasts, lamb shanks, fish filets, sausage, ribs, I’m even thinking about getting a…
Read MoreHow to Battle Eczema as a Family
by Malvina Beker (see bio below) “Wow, that looks terrible!” The doctor started to say, looking at my brother’s exposed stomach that was covered in red patches, scabs, and puss. My older brother Eugene and I had decide to take matters into our own hands and take our younger eight-year-old brother, Milan, to the doctor…
Read MoreChicago Integrative Eczema Center Announces an Eczema Treatment Breakthrough
Honestly, I am quite beside myself over the launch of this new clinic, the Chicago Integrative Eczema Center. I met the co-founder, the amazing Dr. Peter Lio, at the National Eczema Association Patient Conference last summer, and he mentioned this clinic was in the works. So, I waited patiently for the launch and now that…
Read MoreHow to Choose to Forget the Hard Times
One of things I worry most about with Tristan’s eczema is, will he look back on his toddler years (when his eczema was the worst) with fear in his eyes? Will he remember the countless nights he spent writhing in itchy agony in his bed as my husband and I took turns holding him and…
Read MoreHaving Eczema & Being Happy!
I was so charmed by the incredibly cute Asthma Peeps stickers for asthma inhalers and spacers that I asked Kym, the lovely and brilliant momma behind their creation, to share how she managed her daughter’s eczema. -Jennifer Asthma, Eczema, and Attitude By Kym Latter (bio below) When my daughter was just a baby she…
Read MoreQuilted: A Poem About Living With Atopic Dermatitis
I found this poem at The Online Journal of Community and Person-Centered Dermatology and wanted to share it with you. It so accurately describes our lives, as parents, helping our children cope with atopic dermatitis and severe eczema. If you are an adult suffering from AD or eczema, you surely can relate as well. This…
Read MoreCoping with Food Allergies, Eczema, and Asthma – A Parent’s Guide
By Elika Kormeili (bio below) I remember as an adult telling my mom about my food allergies and her face dropped. The wheels in her head were already turning thinking about how she will adapt her recipes so that I can eat (thanks mom). I started reciting what I can and cannot eat – I paused…
Read MoreAn Incredible Experience with National Jewish Hospital’s Atopic Dermatitis Clinic
Nancy, of Real Food, Allergy Free, and I connected via an eczema Facebook group, around the time I was starting The Eczema Company. When I learned that she was heading to National Jewish Hospital with her daughter, I was so excited for her and eager to hear first hand what her experience was like. NJH…
Read MoreI Listen to My Intuition and I Don't Give up on My Child: I am My Son's Health Advocate
Athena inspired me on the Itchy Skin Support Forum where she shared the countless natural therapies she’s tried to help heal her son’s eczema. I was impressed with her fighting for her child and not giving up until she finally healed his skin. We know it’s all about trial and error to find what works…
Read MoreTo Hell and Back: A Mom’s Journey with Eczema
From The Boy, the Greek Fire, and Me One Mom’s Eczema Journey: To Hell and Back I have a little boy, a very typical little 8 year old boy, who loves Football, Star Wars, any joke involving gross bodily functions and Mario Kart. What was not quite so typical, was his appearance in October 2011.…
Read MoreSending Your Child to School with Allergies: How to Cope
Today it hit me – my little boy will be starting school in the fall. In only three months he’ll be a preschooler, riding the bus and everything. He’s totally ready. I’m not. I’m sure ALL parents are nervous about their kid’s starting school.
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