Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema

Posts Tagged ‘anaphylactic reaction’

Being Worried about Epinephrine is normal

I confess. I’m scared of epinephrine. Yes, I know, I know. It can save my son’s life, so for this I’m grateful. And I will use it if needed, as I have done before during his first anaphylactic experience. But I still am fearful of using it. There are many reasons, which I won’t go…

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A First Person Look at Anaphylaxis

by Natalie Honodel  (see bio below) It has been almost a year since my life changed drastically. First, let me go back a few years. Well, fifteen years to be exact. I was in the lunch room in kindergarten when I started breaking out in hives and we were unsure what caused them. After seeing…

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Allergies: Honesty and Adulthood

Here is another great post from Tristan – not my son, but Atopic Girl. I’m just so fascinated by her and her stories looking back on her childhood eczema. This piece is a little bit touchy for me as it goes up against my beliefs in natural treatments and therapies. I know they don’t always…

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