Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema
Posts Tagged ‘anaphylactic reaction’
Are Escalating Food Sensitivities Hampering Your Life? A GAPS Story
You’ve read some of our updates on the GAPS diet, so for another perspective here is another story from a Certified GAPS Practitioner about her patient’s journey to healing. While the patient has seen improvements, she remains on the diet in hopes of one day being completely healed. Only time will tell how it will…
Read MoreBeing Worried about Epinephrine is normal
I confess. I’m scared of epinephrine. Yes, I know, I know. It can save my son’s life, so for this I’m grateful. And I will use it if needed, as I have done before during his first anaphylactic experience. But I still am fearful of using it. There are many reasons, which I won’t go…
Read MoreA First Person Look at Anaphylaxis
by Natalie Honodel (see bio below) It has been almost a year since my life changed drastically. First, let me go back a few years. Well, fifteen years to be exact. I was in the lunch room in kindergarten when I started breaking out in hives and we were unsure what caused them. After seeing…
Read MoreAn Anaphylactic Experience: Why It’s Not Worth the Risk
Last night was the worst night of my life. It was the night of my son’s first anaphylactic reaction. Looking back now, it all seems like a nightmare – blurry, but terrifying all the same. I’ve been thinking about how I’d write this post throughout the day. How to begin, what details to include/avoid, etc.…
Read MoreA Parent’s Guilt Around a Serious, Delayed Allergic Reaction
As food allergy parents, we are so diligent in removing possible allergic foods in our home. We read all the labels thoroughly and buy only food we know is safe. So, how did my son have an allergic reaction at home today? I honestly have no explanation. I feel like a professional label reader. I…
Read MoreAllergies: Honesty and Adulthood
Here is another great post from Tristan – not my son, but Atopic Girl. I’m just so fascinated by her and her stories looking back on her childhood eczema. This piece is a little bit touchy for me as it goes up against my beliefs in natural treatments and therapies. I know they don’t always…
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