Our Eczema Trials – Wet Wrap Therapy

Wet wrapping therapy is a miracle short-term fix for moderate to severe eczema, psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, and even dermatomyositis.
While in no means a cure, wet wraps can offer a much needed break from the everyday stress of dry, itchy eczema and many other skin conditions. Results can be dramatic after one time, but it will usually take 1-2 days with wrapping 2-3x per day before major changes in the skin can be seen.
Wet wrapping is a commitment (both in time and energy) and can be a challenge getting little ones to cooperate. Good distraction techniques are crucial – read my tips below for wet wrapping and children.
Disclaimer: If you are currently using cortisone, pro-topic, or any other medication to treat the eczema, you must speak with your physician on how to properly use the medication with wet wrapping. Also, before beginning wet wraps you should speak with your practitioner about the process, make sure they’re on board, and determine how long you can safely carry on with wet wrapping. Our physician believed eczema wet wraps could begin to dry out the skin if used for more than one week, so we were always careful to abide by his one-week policy.
What is wet wrapping therapy?
Wet wrapping therapy consists of soaking and sealing the skin in the following way:
- First, a bath to soak the skin.
- Afterwards the skin is lightly dried, then sealed with a heavy layer of cream or balm/salve.
- Next dress the skin with damp clothing or a layer of damp bandages.
- Then top with a layer of dry clothing or bandages.
- Leave the wraps on for at least two hours.
- Add another layer of cream or balm salve, then dress as usual.
Why does it work?
The layer of wet clothing locks the moisture in, giving the creams or balms/salves time to completely saturate and penetrate the skin. In addition, as the water evaporates from the wet layer, it provides a cooling sensation for the skin, which can relieve the eczema itch.
What are wet wraps?
Wet Wraps for Eczema are the garments or materials used to wrap skin in a damp protective layer. They come in many styles. Some are made specifically for wet wrapping and for eczema children, while some items can be found in your closet (cotton form fitting pajamas, white cotton tube socks for hands and feet, etc).
What do you need to get started?
- Bathtub filled with lukewarm water
- Bath oils (only if desired), I like this Organic Calendula Oil.
- Towel
- Cream or balm/salve
- Topical prescription – only if directed by your physician
- Spray bottle filled with plain water
- (2) Sets of clothing or bandages/dressings. Exact garments will depend on areas you want to treat, but can include:
- (1) Slightly larger “dry” layer: one-piece cotton pajamas, top or bottom, slightly larger (find tops for adults here)
- (2) Cotton turtleneck or scarf for wrapping the neck
- (4) Pairs of long white cotton tube socks to cover hands and feet or bamboo eczema gloves for kids or adults.
- (2) Sets of gauze bandages for wrapping the face and head/scalp or an infant stay-on hat for eczema.
How to wet wrap (step-by-step)
My son had head-to-toe eczema, but the eczema on his face was mild in comparison to the severe eczema on the rest of his body, so we concentrated on the neck down. However, wet wrapping can be done over the entire body, including face and head, or just localized to one part of the body like behind the knees or feet. Basically, only use wet wrapping where you need it most.
- Soak in a bathtub filled with lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes. You can add a few drops of a moisturizing or soothing oil to the bath water if you wish. Nothing else should be added. Make sure the areas of the body to treat stay fully submerged in the water.
- Pat (never rub) dry with a cotton towel.
- Immediately (within 2-3 minutes) moisturize the skin with the cream or balm/salve, making sure to liberally apply on the areas of the body that need treating. The skin should be very moist when finished. You may need to go back and apply another layer in some areas before moving to the next step.
- Wet one layer of clothing or bandages in warm, not hot, water. Wring them out until damp, not too wet or dripping. Dress in this layer of warm, damp clothing or bandages fully covering the areas of eczema to treat.
- Cover the damp layer with the dry layer of clothing (slightly larger) or bandages.
- Leave the wet and dry layer on for a minimum of two hours.
- Check the wet layer every once in a while to make sure it’s still damp. If it starts to dry out use the spray bottle of pure water to dampen the clothing again.
- Check the temperature of the room to ensure comfort. It shouldn’t be too hot, too cold, or too breezy (if there is a fan).
- After at least two hours, remove the clothing or bandages and completely moisturize the skin again with the creams or balm/salve.
- Dress as usual.
- Repeat two to three times per day or as advised by your physician.
Note: Some people like to leave the wraps on an entire night, sleeping with them on. However, we had a hard time keeping the wet layer damp, so we only used wet wraps during the day when we could keep an eye on the wet layer.
Tips for wet wrapping your eczema child
- Wet wrapping is long and can be boring for children, so make sure to have plenty of entertainment and distraction techniques lined up. We relied on TV a lot, which was a treat for our son. Read my post for ideas Itchy Irritated Skin, Scratching Little Fingers – Part Two: Distraction Techniques.
- It’s best to use a non-toxic, natural eczema cream under your wet wraps. My family’s favorite is the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream.
- Use caution with long wet bandages that could become unwrapped, potentially creating a suffocation hazard. This would be of particular concern if the child wears the wet wraps to sleep.
- Cotton clothing made for children with eczema, such as these pajamas for eczema can be much easier for fast wet wrapping. AD Rescue Wear makes excellent full body suits, small sleeves (adult sizes too), and tops and bottoms for wet wrapping – take a look at their full line of wet wraps.
Wet wrapping worked wonders for us. How did it work for you? Please share your experiences with us.
FROM: Eczema
Thanks for sharing! Great illustrations!
I worked with a woman who used to have her son sleep in wet pajama pants. She said it was starnge but that it did help him a lot.
Yes, it certainly does sound a bit strange and I was skeptical, but man does it work!
Hi Jennifer, Some more informaiton on the use of Comfifast Easywraps can be found at –
Kind regards, Rachel
Thanks Rachel! Any garments that make wet wrapping easier are a great!
I am trying the wet wrap on my right foot which had severe eczema which triggered when I was pregnant with twins (they’re 2.5 years old and I still have the eczema). I hope this works as the steroid my derma prescribes eversince I had this as a child has stopped working.
I am using Eczemax to moisturize. It hasn’t worked at all when I used it but I am trying it now with the wet wrap moisturizer.
So desperate for this to go. How much more with kids… 🙁
Hi there – Keep your spirits up, you’ll find what’s triggering this eczema and get it all sorted out. I sure hope the wet wraps work for you. They really can help provide relief, but keep in mind it’s only temporary. Definitely work on finding your triggers to stop your eczema altogether. Jennifer
I have a type of eczema on my hands & arms that stings with any lotion I put on it, it itches horribly, and even if I avoid washing my hands too much/doing dishes or certain foods (sugar) I still get it (thanks to hormones). So, I thought I’d try Made From The Earth Aloe Jojoba Creme Therapy and let me tell you-IT WORKS! I’ve been using it for over a month now and it’s like 90% gone-I just had a flare up (due to high stress, no doubt)…so it doesn’t erase it completely but WOW-I’m not up all night scratching and having to suffer with scaley, scabby hands any more! 🙂
That’s wonderful for you! Congratulations! I know it’s amazing when you find something that actual works wonders for your skin. Jennifer
I’ve been using the wet wrapping technique for my 8 yr old since he was 4 and he loves it because it really works, better than anything creams/ointments/ lotions or steroids alone. We do it at night after his bath when he’s usually in the most discomfort and by morning he’s btwn 50-100% better if only 50% we repeat in the morning… it has never failed him.
Hi Tara – That’s wonderful that it’s helped your son so much. Same here. It truly is a miracle treatment, but the effects from one wrapping are short term. Jennifer
Hi Jennifer
Do you have any tips on How to go about finding my triggers? I have been dealing with this for about two years and it just keeps getting worse!
Hi Adreanne –
Sure! It’s all about removal and then reintroduction of suspicious items. This makes me think that I need to write a post about this, so thanks for the nudge 🙂 You can start with food. Remove gluten, dairy, soy, and eggs completely (and anything that could contain traces of these products) for one week, up to one month. Then one item back in for 4 days, then if there is no reaction, add another in, etc. An excellent book for this is “Dealing with Allergies in Babies in Children” https://www.allergynutrition.com/pages/p45/dealing_with_food_allergies_in_babies_and_children.php Yes, it’s targeted for children, but it has a great easy to follow elimination diet specifically for eczema. Try to get it at your library.
Then, I’d look at your laundry products. Try using soap nuts – they are very natural and free of allergies. There are some other products you could try, but I find even natural “detergents” can contain harsh ingredients and added fragrances. Try these for a while, wash everything you wear, towels, sheets, etc. The whole house will have to switch over to avoid cross contamination. All family members clothing will need to be washed the same way.
Do you have any animals? As harsh as this is going to sound, I’d try to find a friend to let them stay with for a few weeks and see how you feel. Clean the house VERY thoroughly once the animals are out to remove all their dander and such.
Cleaning – try to use simple, make your own recipes using vinegar, water, and baking soda to clean. Not only will these be more gentle on your skin, but they are very gentle on the wallet as well 🙂 There are some good natural product out there you can try as well. Just remember, no fragrance!!!
If you have throw rugs only, remove them and stick to bare wood floors. Rugs are dust mite and pet allergen magnets. Wash all curtains with soap nuts.
Clothing – try cotton only.
Skincare – that’s tricky. You’re going to have to buy a few things and try each for at least one week and see how you do. I have a few things you could try that I love and works wonders on my son. For soap, we use this natural olive oil based soap with only 3 ingredients. Remember the more the ingredients, the harder it is to track down the allergen. https://www.eczemacompany.com/olive-oil-nablus-soap/ We treat his big flareups with this Calendulis Cream. https://www.eczemacompany.com/calendulis-cream/ And for everyday moisture, we use this Manuka Honey Skin Cream. https://www.eczemacompany.com/manuka-honey-skin-cream/
The skincare above contains ingredients that very rarely trigger allergies or a reaction, but you could still react. Anyone can have an allergy to pretty much anything. So, make sure to do a small patch test on any new items you try before slathering your body with them.
For shampoo, if you don’t have trouble with eczema on your head, you can try to stick with what you’re using. But, for some, if there is a ingredient in the shampoo that is an allergy for you, just rinsing it off allows it to touch your body and could cause a reaction.
I’d start there. Let me know how it goes. Feel free to email me directly. I’ll be happy to help you if I can. jennifer@eczemacompany.com I have a lot of suggestions for natural supplements you may want to consider taking as well – fish oils, probiotics, etc.
Good luck!
Thank you for all of the advice! Wish me luck! I hope I can find my triggers with your suggestions.
Me too! Good luck!!!
This might sound really silly, but it is possible he’s actually allergic to water or rain? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquagenic_urticaria Another thought, is it the mold that grows in rainy or humid climates perhaps? I’m assuming you had him tested for all the molds? Poor guy! At least you stayed strong for him and helped him figure out the trigger. Good for you mamma!
I’ve thought of that and have even searched: “Allergic to rain” – Being allergic to water is ridiculous, seeing as how we are made up of 60% water – but yet when one is searching for answers, we’ll turn over every stone. I believe his auto-immune reaction has something to do with the effect of water on mold spores or pollen or some such non-sense, not necessarily the effect of water on his skin (although it’s true – bathing aggravates his condition considerably and is very painful). Mainly I wanted to put the word out there to other parents who have tried everything and have found no relief that placing the child in a different climate may help. It’s financially not easy to just pick up and move and find work and all of that, but when it comes to alleviating the torture of your child, it seems we will do almost anything. Thank you for sharing your blog. Somewhere on your site I read about the high stress of caregivers tending to children with eczema – that was affirming to hear – and I, for one, can vouch for that fact. Regards to you and your family,Deena Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 01:51:58 +0000 To: drdeena@msn.com
Thank you Deena – yes, we can certainly relate to the hardships of dealing with eczema. I’m very happy to hear you’re finally discovered the trigger, albeit a very unusual one, making it all that much harder to pin point. Take care!
Deena, can you tell us how long you’ve lived in CA? We live in the Pacific Northwest and when we visited San Diego, CA in the spring, our daughter was fine. But when we went at Christmas time, her skin went nuts.
Melissa, Sorry for the 7 month delay in responding. My son has lived in Southern California for about two years, currently in San Diego. He is doing better there (seemingly due to less rain and more sun) but still, I am sad to admit, climate is only part of the problem. Being around evergreen trees or a field of irrigated grass seems to set up the pain/exhaustion/eczema cycle. Curative factors: rest and coating his skin in jojoba oil. I don’t think I mentioned before that his autoimmune condition plummeted after he got mono at age 16. Great article to read on the experience of autoimmune disorder is in the Atlantic: “What’s Wrong With Me” by Meghan O’Rourke, August 26, 2013.
Useful information! I’m sad at times, tears run down my face because my 4 month old is suffering in this since he was few weeks old….its sereve atopic dermatitis, i’ve tried everything… even a dermatologist. I want to try this… no harm in trying this out. I hope it works! Thank You!
Hi there- Sending hugs your way! It’s so hard, but you guys will get through it. I hope the wet wrapping works wonders for you and your sweet son. Jennifer
My 2yo son is currently trying his first wet wrap. He thought it was strange that mommy was putting wet clothes on him but i explained it will help his skin. I need to go buy some bandages so i can wrap his ears where it seems to be the worst. Here’s hoping this helps and we can add this to the routine.
Ha! I bet he thought it was strange. I remember my son thinking the same thing, and me as well when I first heard about this type of treatment. What a forgeign concept…wet clothes, really??!! Good luck with the treatment – I hope his gives your son some relief.
Hi, we have wet wrapped my 21month old daughters arms for the last three nights. She has severe discoid eczema, now for the first time in four months, her arms aren’t bleeding, oozing and itchy!! An amazing result, thank you. Xx
Lisa, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you and your daughter. Such great news!!!!
I was wondering at what point can you stop the wet wraps. I used them on my baby’s legs and they feel great, however if I leave his legs without socks and pants, he immediately tries to scratch again. How can I stop the itching? His legs look great, without any eczema on them and I’d love to put him in shorts and no socks since I live in a very warm state.
Hi Simone – I’m afraid until you figure out all his triggers, the itching will come and go. The Eczema Ease Balm is helpful for itching – I use it on my hands and it’s great for me. Have tried the ScratchMeNot mittens to cover his hands and protect him from scratching? Or are they too warm for your climate?
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[…] Itchy Little World feels very close to our hearts. Childhood eczmea can be so severe and as a parent you want to do the best for your child. Having been through a similar tale we really do get where Jennifer is coming from. […]
Thanks for the post, very interesting! I don’t think any of my lotions contain mineral oil..now I will have to check!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. I have lived with eczema for about 20 years now and it’s always been easily managed up until about 2 weeks ago. The itching spread so rapidly and out of control that I felt like I was losing my mind! I didn’t change any of my soaps, lotions, or detergents and didn’t understand why I suddenly had this horrendous outbreak. None of my old tricks seemed to relieve the itching, or the spread of the rash either. Getting desperate, I spent hours researching online and changed my lotions, soaps, and detergents to all natural ingredients but that didn’t seem to make a difference. Four days ago, I found this post and went out and bought everything necessary to wet wrap my leg. Holy cow! The relief from itching was instant! Just for that I could hug you!!! Now, on the 4th day, I can see that the rash is clearing up very well- I would guess that it will be completely clear in another 3 or 4 days. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Hi Karen – That’s so wonderful that the wet wrapping has provided you with relief! Such great news! Thank you for sharing your progress with us! I hope things continue to improve for you. Jennifer
That is amazing! Is it true that no more than one week the skin will become normal, no rash, no red?
I wonder maybe I can try it too.
I just have a little worry that wet will make skin infection, yeast, germ and so on.
Hi Nancy – It really can help in a matter of only two treatments. For some, the skin can clear up completely. Yes, it’s recommended to work with your doctor while doing the wraps just in case thee skin becomes infected, which is possibly, but not very likely. And absolutely do not use steroids while wet wrapping without a doctor’s approval. Jennifer
Hi, I have been recently using the white wrap therapy I’ve had severe a topic dermatitis all over my limbs it’s been a nightmare, and I’ve had to discontinue steroid cream because of being on it too long, I’ve started to wet wrap with just Aquaphor, do you think that’s still effective with just using the Aquaphor? It does give me relief from the edge of course just from being cool and damp! I have noticed my rash disappearing, but that was with the steroid cream I’m curious or maybe a little nervous that without the steroid cream and just using the Aquaphor with the red wrap it won’t have the same results
please read this website, it help me a lot
Hi Nancy – Yes, I find steroid withdrawal and red skin syndrome very interesting, but quite sad. It’s sounds so incredibly difficult to go through the withdrawal, but thankfully the results can be quite amazing. I’m happy that this condition doesn’t affect everyone, but it still breaks my heart to see kids go through this. Steroids can be really harmful in some cases, like these, but in small does they can be helpful for some. We opted out of steroids because they did more harm than good in my son’s case. Jennifer
and this two website. Those webs help me very much. They help me to get to know what happened on my daughter and how to do now and what will happen in the future. Now I get much peace because I found the reason and I know eczema will go and never come back.
Thank all of moms like Jennifer , share information to cure baby’s eczema
If not you, I can not imagine what would happen.
More great sites, thanks for sharing Nancy!
Any thoughts on why aquaphor is not recommended by NJH? When my son is at his worst and has a lot of open sores it is the only thing he will tolerate on his skin.
Hi Erin – I believe it’s because it acts as a barrier to the skin and doesn’t allow it to breath. Sometimes the barrier is a good thing – for children going to the pool, but are sensitive to chlorine or the same with ocean water. But usually, allowing the skin to breath is essential in good skin health and healing. Jennifer
If it’s dry wet it. If it’s wet dry it. Basic dermatology 101. Nice article.
Thank you!
you’ve got two cute babies , looks like a very happy family ,Wet wrapping therapy is amazing , i am gonna have a try
Thank you! Yes, wet wrapping can work temporary miracles. Amazing. But it’s nothing like finding your triggers and eliminating them for good.
My daughter had severe head to toe eczema (from around age 1) hat due to scratching kept getting staph infections. The worst of it was on her face. She was hospitalised and placed on a drip for the staph but was also put in head to toe wet bandages – even her face. They used the elasticated tube bandages and for the one on her face, cut out eye and mouth holes. She looked like a mummy (apart from her beads which she wore each day in hospital) but it worked!
Rani – So happy the wet wrapping helped her so much! That’s great!
Hi Jennifer
I am on my 3rd day of wet wrapping my 4 month old baby on her body because of mild ezcema but i am worried because she started to sneeze and cough..are babies getting cold due to wet wrap?
Hi Kuneja – Unfortunately since I’m not a doctor, I cannot say if she’s developing a cold from the wet wrapping, but I’ll say it is very unlikely. If she’s too cold, I would try adding some additional dry layers on top of the wet layers. Just remember to keep the wet layers damp. As soon as they start to dry out, the benefits of wet wrapping can start to reverse and cause dry skin.
Facial eczema is the worst! Try Made from Earth’s Three Berry Face Serum. I used to have it all over my face, and its the only face serum that when i applied it would take away the eczema. . .face saver
I had eczema as a child but grew out of it at a very young age, I’m 18 now and it came back. It came back in the last year or two, very mildly on the insides f both my elbows. I wasn’t concerned about it until this past month. The patches are huge and unbearable. No one with out eczema can understand the discomfort. So I searched all over the web for some sort of solution and I came across this post and I am so thankful! THANK YOU SO SO SOOO MUCH! I tried the wet wrap for the first time tonight and I haven’t been so relieved in so long. I feel normal! Haha it’s such a strange feeling to not be constantly itching. My arm is not healed completely by any means, but I can tell if I keep this up it’s going to improve. Anyone with eczema should try this. It’s a little awkward to keep a wet rag (or what ever you may use) on your body for so long but the cool wet feeling it’s self felt soothing on my sore arms, and it’s such a relief the outcome. For once I don’t have the urge to scratch until I bleed. I can’t thank you enough for posting the wet wrap process! And much luck for you and your little one!!
Rayne – That’s such wonderful news! Thank you so much for sharing your success with wet wrapping. Yes, it really is amazing and can provide wonderful relieve. I’m so glad you found that to be the case.
My one year old has been dealing with ezcema since birth and we have tried everything possible…it was not until e were referred by our family physician to a pediatric doctor that specializes in infant ezcema we got relief for the poor little guy..he suggested wet wraps from the beginning it made total sense to me at the time I thought why didn’t I think of that before? We did wet wraps on him for just over a week straight untill it was all cleared up he has been flare up free since before Christmas the only problem area is now his face due to teething and a cold but the wet wraps work wonders his skin was awesome after the first treatment. We are now trying a wet wrap on the face/ head to get it cleared up. Living in Alberta Canada with our climate dry and cold winter is horrible on anyones skin ezcema or not.
Hi Lynn – Wow, that’s wonderful to hear such great news! Wet wrapping is really miraculous in how quickly it can clear up the skin. Unfortunately for many, the skin will go back to it’s earlier aggravated condition once the wet wrapping is stopped and if the original eczema triggers are not removed. I’m glad to hear that wasn’t the case with your son. Such wonderful news. Jennifer
My daughter has had to deal with eczema since the day she was born. We tried creams, ointments, lotions. We even went as far as getting on a plane and going to the children’s hospital in Utah to see what they could do…NO HELP ANYWHERE!!! About 3 months ago she had a really bad brake out! I went online as I have done many times in the past years to look up what I could do, to see if there was anything new out there that we haven’t tried, and I came across a blog that a lady posted that said “I have had to deal with eczema for 35 years and the only thing that has helped is acrylic nails because it cant brake the skin.” I called my mom and she said its worth a try.
It has been about 3 months and she has never looked better!!! she looks and feels “normal” she’s not embarrassed to wear short sleeved shirts, she feels and looks awesome!! So moms out there that are struggling with this horrible disease, its worth a try!!
What a very interesting remedy – I never would have thought of that. But if it works, GREAT! That’s wonderful you found a solution. Thank you so much for sharing!
How important is the dry layer? Does it have a specific purpose or just to prevent the wraps getting other things wet?
Hi there – The dry layer is pretty important because it not only helps other things not get wet, but it also helps to seal in the moisture and keeps the wet clothing wet longer. Jennifer
Turmeric really worked wonders for son. Something you may want to look into. I have blogged about it in the hope it helps others http://www.atopicdermatitisnaturecure.blogspot.com
That’s great! I wish it didn’t stain so much. I’ve heard of it being taken in concentrated doses orally as well for various health concerns. Not to mention how delicious it is in curries and such. yum!
Hi all, I am so sorry to hear about all of these children who are suffering from eczema now a days. My husband is a physician and we are frequently having this conversation. My daughter and newphew both suffer from eczema. I was introduced to a product called soothe by Dr. Rodan and Field who created Proactiv. These products are amazing and have worked so well that I recently became a consultant to share with others. Soothe is working even when prescription medications aren’t. The products also have a 60 day money back guarantee. Please email me for result pictures and product information at htgrmiller18@gmail.com. Thank you heather miller
Hi Heather – So happy you’ve found something to work for your children. Jennifer
I have rosacea, the sub type 1 variation. 2 month ago, at the advice of a derm I stopped wheat, dairy and some other changes in my diet and what a difference it made in my skin, eyes and sinuses. Unfortunately I have dry facial skin and can not use anything with chemicals.
I am now using a balm made from bison tallow and jojoba oil, my skin doesn’t have a problem with it. I tried wet wrapping my face with a wide ace bandage. I have been doing it twice daily for 2 days now and I notice when I take the wrap off my skin feels great but it doesn’t last.
Any advice?
Wow. First, I’m very impressed your derm recommended dietary changes. You found a great derm it sounds like as most don’t believe in the food – skin connection sadly. I’m glad to bear wet wrapping is helping. Have you added fish oil supplements? This should help moisturize your skin from the inside out, but it takes a few months before benefits can be seen. I would suggest stopping all soap and look I to oil washing instead. Lastly, you can try our Manuka Honey Skin Cream. It is so ultra moisturizing. Please keep in touch and let us know how it goes.
I’m in tears! It worked! I’ve been battling a spot of eczema on my son’s back for a year. All the other eczema I got rid of but one stubborn spot. I changed to laundry soap and bath soap. Took him to an allergist and found out he’s allergic to peanuts. I’ve done steroids and creams and bathes. I just tried the wet wraps after dismissing it this whole time. The spot on his back is gone besides the scratches from him. I honestly can’t believe that after one time it’s gone. Thank you so much for this page. He just seems so much happier! Thank you thank you thank you!
Hi Jessica – Wow, that’s amazing! So happy your son has improved so much. That’s great news! Congrats to you for staying strong and continuing to work your hardest to uncover a solution for your son. Great job momma! Jennifer
How long of a period can you use the wraps? I know you mentioned a wk, but how long of a break period is recommended?
Hi Brandi – That’s a better question for your physician. Ours recommended no more than one week at a time. Jennifer
Also, how do you recommend doing the face/ neck area? I’m ordering the top and pants, but of course those areas are not covered, so your suggestions on that process please? Thank you very much
Hi Brandi – I’d recommend using cotton gauze to wrap the face and the same or a cotton scarf for the neck. I hope you see great results! Jennifer
Im really hoping this works! My 8 year old daughter has suffered so long with eczema, its completely controlling her life! Have tried everything except this, I gave her a shower tonight then applied ALOT of fatty cream (the only one she doesn’t react with at the moment) The put some damp knee high socks with the feet cut out on her legs, I thought she was going to complain but she was immediately happy and said how nice it felt. I wish I had tried this earlier but living at the bottom of New Zealand it gets very cold here and I thought it would be a terrible idea but she seems so happy! She only got about 2 hours sleep last night from scratching. I feel so bad for her. I really hope this gives her a good nights sleep. If it works I will head out tomorrow and get some bandages to cover all of it at night! Good article 🙂 Will update on how we get on
Hi Sarah – Wow, exciting! I hope it really helped your daughter. Please do let us know how she’s doing. Thank you! Jennifer
Hello. God healed me of eczema and now I just want to tell the world how that happened and how to get healed. Since I was first introduced to the internet, I’ve spent many hours reading about eczema and what others had to say in the comments sections. I tried nearly everything and nothing helped. Now, when I see advertisements for steroid creams and hear stories about how others are suffering, I shake my head and want to scream, “NO! I have an answer.” Those same websites that I would consistently browse looking for a cure, I’m now going back to spread the word to everyone I can that there is an answer for eczema. You can be healed! The only way that I know to get the information out is to put it online. My website is very new, so it won’t come up in a google search yet. Please type in the address bar http://www.howtohealeczema.com. If you take time to read it in its entirety and do what it says, your life will change. God Bless You
Thanks for the wonderful blog.
I used baby tribotan (a tube) to clear a rash on my infant’s skin and it has led to him having extremely dry skin on his legs, hands and face. I use a mixture of sebamed extra soft baby cream, Aveeno baby cream and Johnsons baby Vaseline on him but his skin is still dry especially in this harmattan season.. do u think wet wraps would work in clearing up the dry skin? He doesn’t itch or anything, the skin is just extremely dry and sometimes hard.
Thank you.
Hi there- Yes. I do think just a couple wet wrapping sessions would really help with the dryness. Its definitely worth a try.
Does it work does it make you stop scratching
Hi there – Yes, it can help relieve the itching quite a lot. You should give it a try. Let us know how it goes!
Glad you found something helpful!
All fantastic information. Just one point I’d like to make and you can possibly review in your article. I have read (and thus found) that bath water for eczema should be no hotter than 29 degrees C. This is actually on the much cooler side, I was surprised when I first tried it & felt a bad about putting my baby in a coldish bath, but she’s happy & she is much less itchy when she gets out of the bath.
Thank you Helen! We have removed the temperature suggestion and just mentioned luke warm. Good suggestion. Thanks!
Do you have any alternative way to use for wet wrapping?? Or can I use a stocking for the wet wrap?
Sure, you can use just about any fabric for wet wrapping, but we like cotton, bamboo or the TENcel in AD Rescuewear garments the best.
Thank you. Sad to say but I find it expensive to buy those things. But I’ll try first the stocking..
Hi Allen – I know, I wish they weren’t so expensive too, but it’s a good material and is costly. Good luck with the stockings. I hope you find relief! Jennifer
Is it ok to use spandex clothing instead cottom?
Only cotton or natural fibers are recommended for wet wrapping. Spandex would not allow the skin to breath.
I think the wet wrap must be the most uncomfortable thing to have to go through. I recently had a lady who came to my office who had a very bad case of Eczema and had been using the wet wrap. She said the itchiness sent her crazy and the wrap was very inconvenience. She has used ENDOR cream, it took a couple of weeks and she has not had to use anything including ENDOR cream.
I am the inventor of the ENDOR cream and I will guarantee positive response or I’ll give you your money back.
35 years ago I was hospitalized at the Mayo in Minnesota (USA) for eczema. The first of the two weeks was a wet wrapping regimen. It does help. I’m a bit sad that all these years later there isn’t MORE that is useful to manage eczema and it’s very painful symptoms. In all the years in between I’ve found nothing to be consistently of use to eliminate it. When I am fortunate I can get a reduction of the symptoms.
Mia, have you looked at healing within instead of topically? Often times there is an issue with food or an imbalance in good vs. bad gut flora.
I was at the Mayo Clinic in July 2012. I had been told by 25 doctors that there was nothing to be done. Stay on the prednisone. When I arrived, with my wonderful sister in law, I could no longer walk, barely stand, and shaking as if I were freezing. Like you, they put me in a room and I spent the next 72 hours wrapped for 24 hours a day. By the 3rd day, I could walk again. They also worked on getting off the medication. I still use the wraps just not as consistently as I should. Now it’s coming back differently. Its itchy, hot and looks like a burn. I’m trying to get back to Mayo where I feel they can help. My motto is there is always someone out there that has it worse. But it took a good friend and doctor to see that I was the one needing help. Don’t wait like I did, get on it fast. Praying and hoping for those non itchy days.
What an amazing story Kristin! I’m so happy for you that you’ve found relief from your eczema. Yay!
Thanks for the information! Just wondering what laundry soap you recommend for eczema babies?
Hi Stacey – All those listed are perfectly safe for babies. In fact, they are much more natural and less harsh than traditional laundry detergents marketed for babies.
My daugther fell asleep for the first time without scratching. Thank you so much.!
Yay! So happy to hear this! Thanks for sharing Lakasha!
Look I’m sure you get people recommending their products all the time, and I’m sorry to add to your list, but I can’t keep secret what has worked for over 80% of the people who tried it. Grass fed tallow can be eaten, used to make your own skincare and even used as a face moisturizer. It is full of essential fatty acids and vitamins known to help reduce the inflammation and itchiness of eczema. Our Nefertem Naturals grass fed tallow soap uses a blend of Tea Tree, Lavender and Clary Sage to help address eczema on all three levels. Tea tree removes microbials that develop in broken skin, lavender regenerates health skin tissue and clary sage is to help address the hormonal imbalances that can lead to exacerbated eczema symptoms. Even if you aren’t interested in our soaps and tallow moisturizers, do your own research and discover how grass fed (specifically grass fed, factory farming cow fat is NOTHING like grass fed) can benefit your eczema. It’s some amazing stuff…and I’m not just saying that cause we have a business completely surrounding it, I’m also saying it because my sister has been symptom free now for 2 YEARS since using it faithfully in her diet and skincare. Just trying to get the word out to the 49.4 million people suffering with eczema today…there is all natural, drug free relief!
….stepping off my box now.
Yes, we agree! We love tallow products. You can find pure tallow soaps and balms at The Eczema Company.
Vitamin b12 topical works really well in children
Just wondering my son has it so bad on his cheeks only which is terrible as he is always waking in the night trying to scratch his face, i have bought scratch me not mittens from The Eczema company as well as some great creams but I was wondering if you have ever heard of anyone wet wrapping the face? I am not sure how we would go about it but I think we need to try it as it is really waking the poor bubs up at night a lot. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks again for sharing !
Hi Erika –
Yes, I have heard of wet wrapping the face. You can do it easily with gauze found at the local drug store. There are companies that also make pieces that fit around the head and neck, but I find they don’t cover much of the face. Your best bet will be with gauze. Jennifer
Yes your right!! Wet Wrap Therapy is one of the best treatment offered to the persons suffering from Eczema. When the symptoms turn out to be severe, your dermatologist will suggest you wet wrap therapy. Wet wraps are the wet bandages applied to the Eczema patients to keep the skin soft, moist to lock the moisture and emollients into the skin. These are the wet bandages wrapped over the emollients/topical steroid creams to the red, itchy, rashy skin areas. https://eczemaliving.com/top-ten-treatment-methods-for-eczema/
Hey all, My name is Shashank and I’m from India. This itchy eczema thing started with me 5 years back and it broke me both emotionally and physically. The part of the body that was most effected were my hands due to which I have to leave my favourate sport.
Most of the doctors told me to apply lot of moisturisers and few prescribed steriods. It helped but there were side effects too..like my wieght increased by nearly 5 Kgs and there was moisturieser all over my working desk..it was really a horrible thing to go through.
After experiencing nealry all types of theraphy I turned to Ayurveda and got a simple and easy answer for my Eczema. First n foremost thing is to identify what is causing this itch, in my case it was milk so stopping it definitely came as a relief another and most important thing was I started taking Sodium bi carbonate mixed with water once in the morning with an empty stomach and use to carry a bit mixed in my water bottle.
It really is a simple and perfect way to get rid of this itchy things. Today I’m almost 99% cure. Giving it a try will not harm you..I wanted to share my story because I can feel your pain out there as I was and I’m one of you.
Please contact on my watsapp no 7490017106 or email me for any further enquiry.
The post was really amazing,educational,useful and more.
Amazing post, thanks for sharing this article. I am truly motivated by you for blogging.
Thank You
My Eczema gets bad in the summer, I’m definitely going to try this!
Happy to see your post, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing such an informative article. I tried one week for breaking period and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the tips.
[…] popular at-home treatment that has been proven to relieve eczema symptoms is wet wrap therapy. This involves taking a bath in lukewarm water, then applying moisturizer and wrapping the affected […]
[…] these two therapies. For more information on wet wrap therapy, make sure to check out our post: Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy. Alternatively, for dry wrap therapy, take a look at our blog post: Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrap […]
[…] you’re interested in getting started, make sure to check out our Dry Wrapping and Wet Wrap Therapy blog posts for all the details. All you’ll need is an anti-itch moisturizer like one of the […]
Eczema therapy was much better.
Bao Zhong Tang TCM Centre is the most famous TCM for eczema Singapore which provides TCM consultation to the people who come to them for treatment. According to them, this type of treatment is great for the people who are going through disorders like cancer, eczema and many more without any harm.
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Shifting to < a href"https://tinytwigorganic.com/organic clothes helps with eczema too!
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[…] emollients sink in deeper and find fastrelief with wet or drywrap therapy. This organic eczema treatment for babies allows skincare to work longer and […]
[…] emollients sink in deeper and find fastrelief with wet or drywrap therapy. This organic eczema treatment for babies allows skincare to work longer and […]
[…] emollients sink in deeper and find fastrelief with wet or drywrap therapy. This organic eczema treatment for babies allows skincare to work longer and […]
[…] using a natural moisturizer andform-fitted clothing or bandage to wrap affected areas, calledwet wrapping and dry […]
[…] emollients sink in deeper and find fastrelief with wet or drywrap therapy. This organic eczema treatment for babies allows skincare to work longer and […]