October: American National Eczema Awareness Month

October is eczema awareness month in the United States.  In Canada it will be celebrated in November (more to come on that next month).

To help support eczema awareness, The Eczema Company will donate $1 from every online order during the month of October to the National Eczema Association.

Let’s spread as much eczema awareness as we can! Now, how else can you help? Here are a few ideas:

  • Speak to your child’s school or class to educate them about the myths and truths about eczema. Perhaps offer to read the class a children’s book about eczema.
  • Form a support group in your area, the National Eczema Association can help.
  • Raise funds and donate them to help a family get to National Jewish Hospital’s Atopic Clinic or donate money or time to a local support group.
  • Buy from The Eczema Company! During the month of October, $1 from every sale will be donated to National Eczema Association.

EC - Oct Donations - FB copy


FROM: Eczema


  1. Valeria on October 3, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    My 3 year old had eczema when she was 3 months old. It went away but now it is back full blown. I need something that works right now. I want to try the wet wraps but don’t have any natural moisturizers on had. What do you suggest? So frustrated and tired of doctor visits and hydrocortisone creams that don’t work.

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