Honey: A Natural Eczema Remedy

By Jennifer Roberge (bio below)
I am a big believer in the healing properties of Manuka Honey for eczema. Why? Because it is the key ingredient in our go-to eczema cream. The one that has helped my son’s chronic dry, scaly eczema as well as my daughter’s more minor, red inflamed eczema. The natural cream I’m in love with, not just because it provides relief for my children, but because it really works wonders on my overly dry, sensitive skin. My husband (who is very anti-skin care products) even uses it on his face! But I digress, let’s talk more about the Manuka Honey – eczema benefits and how honey heals skin.
Please keep in mind that I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe rosacea or eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.
How does honey heal the skin?
“The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too….Honey is an ancient remedy for the treatment of infected wounds, which has recently been ‘rediscovered’ by the medical profession, particularly where conventional modern therapeutic agents fail. The first written reference to honey, a Sumerian tablet writing, dating back to 2100-2000 BC, mentions honey’s use as a drug and an ointment. Aristotle (384-322 BC), when discussing different honeys, referred to pale honey as being “good as a salve for sore eyes and wounds”.” [1]
Why use Manuka Honey for Eczema?
- The bacteria fighting properties are crucial to combat staph and other topical infections eczema patients are so very prone to.
- Honey maintains moisture, something we definitely need to combat the dryness, flaking and scaling.
- The skin barrier is known to be much weaker in those with eczema, so we definitely need this extra barrier protection.
- Wound healing? Yes, please! This is an absolute must for anyone with eczema – broken skin from scratching, dry, cracked skin, and red, open, oozing sores can all use a bit of healing.
The proof is in the (manuka) honey
Although honey is one of the oldest known tools for treating infections, it’s still not a mainstream method for treatment in conventional medicine. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t studies with some great results. Many studies report the benefits of honey and specifically benefits of Manuka Honey when applied topically to wounds and skin conditions. Manuka Honey reduced wound size, decreased pH of wounds [2] and displayed powerful anti-inflammatory effects in wound healing [3]. And 8 out of 10 patients with dermatitis showed significant improvement after 2 weeks of applying a mixture of honey, olive oil and beeswax mixture (all found in Manuka Honey Skin Cream). 5 out of 8 patients with psoriasis showed a significant response to this honey mixture as well [4]. Honey also is antibacterial and fights against topical infections such as staph [5].
Try Manuka Honey on your eczema
Curious? Then give a Manuka Honey cream a try. My family’s favorite is the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. But it’s also loved by so many other eczema sufferers, both children and adults.
This manuka honey eczema cream works very well when applied dry or on damp skin and is excellent when combined with wet wrap therapy because it’s so moisturizing. But don’t just take my word for it – read a couple of our customer’s testimonials below.
“My daughter is classified as SEVERE ECZEMA. She is only 3 and stays in a state of miserable. We have 3 steroid creams and a host of every cream and ointment on the market. She has NEVER slept through the night due to waking scratching. Her hair and clothes stay greasy from all the junk we put on her that has been unsuccessful. We have been using this for 3 days. She is BARELY scratching and she went a full 7 hrs of sleep for first time. This is non greasy, but her skin feels soft and smooth. I have not used the steroid cream in 3 days either. So right now we LOVE THIS STUFF.”
– Tammy Lee, eczema mom
“My 4-year old has moderate eczema on his legs, arms and stomach. In the past we’d he would squirm and cry when putting lotions on him but with this product he has changed his tune. He asks for the “honey” by name and is soothed immediately when I put it on him. Immediate relief from his itching. Very happy with this product.”
– Katie, eczema mom
The ingredients are simple, natural and effective which is why it’s our best seller. Manuka Honey Skin Cream contains only: Organic Beeswax, Organic Olive Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Active 16+ Manuka Honey, Manuka Oil Extract, and Filtered Water. And to top it off, it’s GMO free!
Try the Manuka Honey Skin Cream today!
Bio: Jennifer is the author of It’s An Itchy Little World blog, as well as owner of The Eczema Company. After going through so many trials and errors to heal her son’s eczema, Jennifer wanted to share her experiences and favorite products with others in need. Discover her journey here. Jennifer is not a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to take the replace of medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.
Share this infographic with friends and family who might benefit from Manuka Honey!
1. Honey: its medicinal property and antibacterial activity. [Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2011]
2. The impact of Manuka honey dressings on the surface pH of chronic wounds. [Intl Wound J. 2008]
3. Potential pathway of anti-inflammatory effect by New Zealand honeys. [Intl J Gen Med. 2014]
4. Topical application of natural honey, beeswax and olive oil mixture for atopic dermatitis or psoriasis: partially controlled, single-blinded study. [Complement Ther Med. 2003]
5. The antibacterial activity of honey against coagulase-negative staphylococci. [J Antimicrob Chemother. 2005]
6. The Evidence and Rationale for the Use of Manuka Honey as Wound Dressing. Molan, P.C. (2011). [Wound Practice and Research, 19(4), 204-220.]
Great post. Thank you Jennifer. A modern take on an ancient remedy – see https://www.atopicskindisease.com/articles/FF6
Funny how we’re still using so many of these ancient traditions to heal our skin today. I think that’s great! Jennifer
I just recently read that eczema can be a sign of a mineral deficiency. I’m pretty sure it was zinc. I thought that was interesting. There were other things on the list besides eczema too.
Hi Lesa –
It’s interesting – apparently it’s very common to be deficient in zinc. My naturopath claims that white patches on your nails are one clear indicator that you’re zinc deficient. And he had an oral test with some sort of drops that I tasted. If there was no taste, it meant I was zinc deficient. If it had a horrible flavor, I was fine. Both test indicated I was deficient. Jennifer
Hi so what kind of food or medication is required for zinc deficiency? Infact a dermatologist i met a few years ago told me the same thing that i may be lacking zinc but she failed to recommend anytjing.
Hi there – I know liver is really high in zinc. But if that isn’t an option, they do make some good supplements.
I am using manuka honey for my daughter wound/scar..she is 6yrs old..Just got her stitches out yesterday and have been alternating manuka honey and Tamanu oil on her face…I just don’t know whether to then cover with a bandage or not..
I always get nervous about using my natural remedies because doctors
never recommend these things…but I want to help the healing skin with a moist environment ..not hurt it with dry air healing…any suggestions?
Thank you!! It is so hard to feel confident treating ailments from accidents or sickness or anything because I like to use natural products only!! It is very stressful!
Any feelings on this??
Thanks :)))
I’m so sorry for the delayed reply! I usually apply manuka honey skin cream on a wound and cover for one day. Then remove the bandage and let it air dry, but still apply the cream each night. But I am not a physician, so I cannot tell you if this would work in your case. I hope you determine what works best for your daughter!
Hi is this cream suitable for a 10 month old baby?
Hi there – Yes, it’s perfectly fine for babies.
I bought the manuka honey skin cream and it was good for my daughter’s eczema. We went through it like water. A bit pricey considering the first two ingredients are olive oil and beeswax. I started making my own (3 parts beeswax: 17 parts olive olive: 1 part UMF 16+ manuka honey which I bought from an apiary in New Zealand…yes it was expensive but I got a lot more mileage out of one small jar of honey compared to the cream). It worked equally as well. I also started giving her a teaspoon of the manuka honey to eat a day and that worked really well in conjunction with the cream. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Kathy,
We too have had success for our 3yr old’s eczema. we were able to use on face and eliminate steroid use and has been two weeks now with no rebound flare. I also give him manuka honey to eat every day and it has kept him fairly healthy. We have also used manuka honey on several MRSA boils on his skin and it has cleared them right up. I too am interested in making this lotion as it is quite expensive and I have made lotions before. My question is, how did you come up with the measurements? I assume trial and error. Has it been as effective as the purchased MANUKA HONEY SKIN CREAM? Thoughts? Thanks so much.
Hi Kathy,
Thoughts? Thanks so much.
We too have had success for our 3yr old’s eczema. we were able to use on face and eliminate steroid use and has been two weeks now with no rebound flare. I also give him manuka honey to eat every day and it has kept him fairly healthy. We have also used manuka honey on several MRSA boils on his skin and it has cleared them right up. I too am interested in making this lotion as it is quite expensive and I have made lotions before. My question is, how did you come up with the measurements? I assume trial and error. Has it been as effective as the purchased MANUKA HONEY SKIN CREAM?
My skin is itchy and very dry. Sometimes I get welts. Can Manuka Honey help my skin from itching?
Hi Lynn – It will certainly help with the dryness and some of the itching. If, once your skin is well moisturized, your skin is still itchy, you likely have an underlying health issue. It’s possible you have contact dermatitis or have a food or chemical sensitivity.
My son has eczema on his face , can we apply the manuka cream?
Yes, of course. The Manuka Honey Skin Cream is safe to use anywhere on the body. It’s a really great cream, my family loves it!
I had a bad eczema outbreak on my face and neck recently. Luckily, it has gone away with use of topical steroid ointment but I am nervous about it coming back. Is it a good idea to use manuka honey cream on my face daily to prevent it coming back? I’m nervous about killing bacteria on my face every single day because I’m sure its there for a reason. If not, what should I use as my everyday moisturizer?
Is this cream suitable for babies under 1 years old since it’s made of honey?
Hi Eunice! Yes, it is safe to apply to their skin and is very soothing and gentle for babies. If you you want to take precautions, do not apply anywhere near the areas where your baby could put his or her mouth against.
Just Want to add some useful info about manuka honey and how it can help in skin healing.
If you suffer from psoriasis, rosacea, or eczema, Manuka can help. The honey’s healing properties work to reduce inflammation, while also helping to fight off skin irritating microbes. Honey is naturally soothing to the skin and also helps the skin to retain moisture. You can gently apply Manuka to the affected areas, allowing the honey to dry (approximately twenty minutes) before you gently rinse it off using warm water and a mild cleanser.
Would like to order this manuka honey cream, how?
Hi Amy! You can find the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream HERE.
Is it ok to give manuka honey orally for a 19 month old baby? if yes, please share your experiences and also where to buy it from? Thanks!
Hi Hima – I wouldn’t recommend giving any kind of honey orally to a child under 2 years old due to concerns of botulism.
can i use this cream on 19 month old red infllammed eczema?
Hi Hima –
In general, it’s best to avoid applying honey on a child under the age of 2 years of age in areas where they can get it into their mouth.
The intense itching from my hand eczema is WAY down (almost non-existent) after only 1 application. After only a few hours, I am watching the red, flaky and inflamed skin on my hands and finger joints “lighten”. My skin is definitely on the road to total healing . This cream is awesome! It feels nice and doesn’t have any worrying ingredients. Works better than anything holistic or OTC I’ve tried before. Can’t wait to see my hands in a few more days!
Yay! That is such great news! I’m really happy to hear how much it’s working for you.
Hi! Is this cream high in salicylates since it contains honey? My daughter has eczema but I think I’ve finally figured out that she has a salicylate intolerance and her skin has improved greatly since changing her diet. Her skin is still pretty dry though and I’m trying to find something that will help with keeping it moisturized. Thanks!
Hi Courtney – I’m not really sure, but if honey is high in salicylates, then I’d assume the cream is as well.
How often can this Organic Manuka Honey Baby Eczema Cream be applied? My 10 year old is having a really bad outbreak inside elbows and behind her knees. I usually attack her with coconut oil when I see her scratch. Can I do this as many times as needed during the day, or is it limited to a certain amount each day? We just got it today and I don’t want to over do it if that is not safe. Thanks.
What is the best approach to use Manuka Honey (not Manuka honey cream) for a condition of Tinea Corporis (biopsy identified) and eczema that developed on my wife’s legs and hands? Certainly the area should be properly cleansed first, but should it be bandaged (loosely and or tight) and changed after 24 hours ??? Please advise as current medications and prescribed creams are not working. I have an unopened jar of the Manuka Honey and I intend to do a comparison test and need a some bandaging direction.
So, my 7 month has terrible cradle cap. We have done everything to help the poor son of ours and the result is terrible. I have heard about Manuka honey. I have using it . However, my question is how long do I keep the honey on his head? Do I just risne the head when it’s time? And what kind of cream do I use it to make it moist?
Thank you.
Would this help contact dermatitis in the groin. The dermatologist has gave me two prescriptions and they did not work. I felt like I became allergic to them only making this worse.
Can you use this on dogs?
[…] that can help to heal the skin. Apply manuka honey to affected areas several times a day.Opens in a new windowitchylittleworld.comManuka honey for […]