Treating Facial Eczema: A How To Guide

By Jennifer Roberge (see bio below)
When you or your child have facial eczema it can be extremely difficult emotionally because it’s easily seen by others. If the eczema on the face is really severe, this often means strangers will make comments. You know the ones… “What happened to your child?!” and “Is THAT contagious?” and “Oh you poor thing!” (You can see more of this in our video.) Then it’s followed by a string of suggestions that are meant well, but they were unsolicited and nothing you hadn’t heard a million times before. All this adds stress, how could it not? And we all know that stress is a very common eczema trigger.
Please keep in mind that I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe rosacea or eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.
How to treat facial eczema?
- Moisturize often. You should really apply a balm or ointment twice a day, maybe a third time during intense flare-up. And during the winter, try to apply it before heading outdoors to protect your face from getting chapped and further irritated. We recommend one of these balms for best results. We also really love this Calendula Eczema Cream for Face. And for itch relief, this Organic Aloe Skin Soothing Spray is amazing. Get them is this deliciously gentle, but soothing discounted bundle: Eczema Face Moisturizer & Cleanser Kit.
- Avoid soap. It’s best to avoid soaps when possible where eczema is concerned because they can remove essential natural body oils. For the face, makeup can be removed with an oil found in your kitchen cabinet. Stay away from expensive and chemical filled makeup removers please. Instead, a more economical and safer option is to just dab some pure oil onto a washcloth or cotton ball to gently remove the makeup. Other than that, you don’t really need to cleanse your face and a quick splash of cold water followed by a gentle pat dry with a towel will be sufficient to wash your face. BUT if you must use a soap, then we recommend something very gentle, moisturizing, and with natural oils and made for eczema like these. And for the most gentle option, try this Organic Calendula Eczema Fash Wash. Regardless of if you use a soap or not, after water touches your skin in any fashion, ALWAYS moisturize again – this is especially important during the winter.
- Wet wrap. If you’ve been doing all of the above and eczema on the face continues to get worse, then try wet wrapping. It can provide pretty quick results, but it’s not meant for long-term use. For the wet layer try some cotton gauze. For the dry layer wrap a cotton scarf or perhaps an ace bandage around the inflamed areas.
- Look at triggers & diet. Lastly, while it’s important to treat the skin, it’s also very important to look at what could be triggering your or your child’s eczema to flare. Common triggers are seasonal and environmental allergens, stress, and extreme hot or cold temperatures, to name a few. Pet allergens could be a problem and that’s a difficult one to face for many pet owners. Laundry products are really harsh and even the free and clear varieties and natural laundry detergents are too alkaline (the skin likes more acidic conditions) and they build up on clothing and irritate the skin all day and all night long. We have some great laundry product alternatives that are great for eczema, which you can find here. And while you or your child may not have any true food allergies, food sensitivities or intolerances could still trigger eczema. Food is often at least one part of the eczema mystery for many children and adults and is certainly worth looking into. You can read about our family’s experience with diet and eczema here.
Did you find these tips for how to treat eczema on face helpful? What are your tips and suggestions? What works best for you or your child?
Bio: Jennifer is the author of It’s An Itchy Little World blog, as well as owner of The Eczema Company. After going through so many trials and errors to heal her son’s eczema, Jennifer wanted to share her experiences and favorite products with others in need. Discover her journey here. Jennifer is not a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to take the replace of medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.
FROM: Eczema
Hi Jessica,
I just found this post and am wondering why you said “wet wrap can provide pretty quick results, but it’s not meant for long-term use”. We use wet wrap on his face daily for a month already…
Just make sure to check with your physician. We were told it could dry the skin out with long term use.