What Foods Could Trigger Your Eczema?

When my son Tristan was first diagnosed with eczema at three months old , I had absolutely zero idea that food could trigger eczema. The doctors never mentioned it. We just went right along with the steroid creams and pharmaceutical moisturizers that they prescribed.
Food Sensitivities
After Tristan’s (and mine) first ever visit with a natural practitioner we were advised that it was quite possible that Tristan was sensitive to a few foods, which could be aggravating his body, causing inflammation and leading to eczema. I was told dairy, specifically cow’s milk, was very hard for the body to digest and to try removing it from Tristan’s diet to see if there was any improvement in his skin.
Read More: How to Identify Your Reaction: Food Allergy vs Food Sensitivity Vs. Food Intolerance Defined
In my head I was wondering how my little one year old could live without cheese or yogurt?! Not only does he love it, but isn’t it full of necessary protein and fat and other goodness? Turns out children don’t necessarily need dairy like we’ve been lead to believe. (Read more about that here.)
Ready to embrace a dairy-free life, I went to purchase some soy yogurt and vegan cheese. But what did I find? Casein, a milk protein, was listed as an ingredient in one brand of vegan cheese! That was my first shocking discovery in the horribly misleading world of food labels. In the years that have passed I have continued to lose faith, almost daily, in the quality of ingredients and the misrepresentation of food labels in general. But I digress.
I removed cow’s milk and all other dairy products from the diet completely.
Eliminating dairy didn’t change a thing at the time. So, we kept on with the steroids and creams.
I then heard about wheat triggering eczema, so I tried removing that too, but no change. My mistake at the time was that I only removed wheat, not gluten as a whole, but more on that in this MUST READ post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success: How You Can Do It Too!
Food Allergies
I asked our pediatrician about the food allergy and eczema connection and she did say food is possibly a trigger, although she never mentioned the idea on her own. She suggested we test him for true food allergies (not a sensitivity or intolerance) via blood draw and allergy skin test. In the skin prick test he reacted to some seasonal allergies, cats, dogs, and walnuts. We live in a pet free home, so dog and cat dander wasn’t a problem for us luckily. Seasonal allergies were a bit harder to control, but at least it was seasonal and easy to predict. And walnuts could be avoided rather easily, so we were encouraged by the results. In the blood test he reacted to walnuts again, but that was all. He was diagnosed with a food allergy to walnuts. From then on we were careful around walnuts, but we were never informed about the dangers of tree nuts. The doctor never suggested an epinephrine auto injector!!

Tristan during spring allergy season – red, greasy, balm covered face. (Totally goofy photo, I know.)
Fast forward two years, with only walnuts and dairy eliminated, Tristan’s skin was getting worse. We went to a party and Tristan was enjoying the food. Suddenly he got a red rash around his mouth, along with hives and his breathing was a little strained. My husband and I panicked. Walnuts? Did anything contain walnuts? We hadn’t seen any, but sure enough, one of the salads contained finely chopped walnuts. No doctor had ever told us he could react this way, we didn’t have an epinephrine auto injector or even antihistamine on hand. My husband ran to the store, one block away, and by the time he was back with Benadryl in hand, Tristan was already recovering. Luckily the reaction wasn’t severe, but we gave him the Benadryl anyway to be sure. We learned what kind of reaction Tristan could truly have to walnuts and we insisted on an epinephrine auto injector prescription at the next doctor’s appointment. And thank goodness we did! Read about our first life threatening allergic reaction here: It’s Just NOT Worth the Risk: Our Anaphylactic Experience.
Discovering Food Triggers
After that frightening encounter with Tristan’s first obvious allergic reaction, I started doing a lot of research and came across many foods that can trigger eczema such as: milk, gluten, soy, eggs, shell-fish, peas, sesame seeds, tomatoes, and corn. I found a GREAT book: Dealing with Food Allergies in Babies and Children by Janice Vickerstaff Joneja PhD RD and read it cover to cover. This book had very clear steps to follow in order to conduct a food elimination challenge for children with eczema. I was hooked and I was determined to find eczema relief through dietary changes – food challenge, bring it on! For some reason I did everything recommended except eliminating gluten. Tristan loved bread and pasta at the time and I just couldn’t face a gluten-free future. After one month of the diet, Tristan’s skin was still terrible. It was obvious that we didn’t find all his food triggers through the diet, but we decided to reintroduce some of the food again and see if anything caused his eczema to flare more than it already was. Soy, corn, red bell peppers, strawberries, cantaloupe, and tomatoes were obvious triggers, causing him to go into an instant itch trance. It was hard to say if these items caused his eczema, but they certainly made him scratch, which in turn certainly irritated his skin. So, they were eliminated long term.
We started getting used to eating without the known triggers, plus we were still avoiding dairy and walnuts. Tristan’s skin was still getting worse. When I asked for the advice of a local naturopath, she seemed surprised when I told her that we hadn’t eliminated gluten yet. She basically insisted we remove gluten as she was sure it would make a difference. Well, why not? We honestly were at rock bottom in terms of Tristan’s skin. Something had to change. We removed gluten, adding it to the other omitted foods listed above. And low and behold within a couple of days, Tristan’s skin was clearing up, and fast. It was unbelievable to see. However, we had started giving him some natural supplements – omega oils, probiotics, and homeopathy around the same time, so I wasn’t entirely sure removing gluten was improving his skin so drastically. BUT we were about to know for sure. Three weeks later he got a hold of two small pieces of breakfast cereal containing gluten and within two hours his skin was horribly red and inflamed. So, he was officially gluten-free from that point on.
His skin was improving, but he’d still have horrible itch attacks from time to time. Thank goodness for ScratchSleeves with Scratch Mittens and pjs like Cotton Comfort. We had already eliminated so much food from Tristan’s diet, what else could be bothering him?
We had switched to soap nuts for laundry as anything else, natural or chemical, caused a gradual flair-up. We also moved to dishwashing detergent free of sodium lauryl sulfphate. He didn’t seem to have any traditional household allergies, like mold. So, what could be causing the itch?
My mom reminded me that almonds drive her mad with itchiness. Almonds? No, couldn’t be. After all, removing almonds would be severely challenging since Tristan was consuming almonds in various formats throughout all day long – almond milk, almond butter, raw and roasted almonds. They were a great source of calcium and protein, but not knowing what else to do we stopped almonds for one week. And, wouldn’t you know it – the itching stopped completely.
At that point I was feeling bold and brave and wanting to better understand Tristan’s food issues. So, after years of withholding milk, we gave Tristan some cow’s milk cheese to test for a casein reaction. But he failed and failed miserably. He got red around the mouth after I gave him one small piece. He also got a little congested in his lungs and throat, but not bad. About 30 minutes later he started coughing intensely, said his stomach hurt, and developed hives on his body. His eczema flared-up after a few hours. No more cow’s milk products for him.
In November 2011, we went to the allergist and Tristan underwent skin prick testing and a blood test yet again, a few years after his last tests. The doctor wanted to determine the severity of Tristan’s nut allergies. The skin prick test didn’t show walnuts this time, but hazelnuts instead and now dairy too! And we know Tristan still reacts to walnuts, so this just goes to show that allergy tests are not the be all end all. A food challenge under a physicians care and a history of food reactions are still the gold standard in determine food reactions.
Every once in a while Tristan gets a little itchy, mostly during spring and fall allergy season, but we are thrilled about how far we’ve come so far. I’m sure there is another 1-2 food items that are triggering the little bit of eczema he has on occasion, but I’ve yet to determine it.
Here’s a recap of Tristan’s triggers:
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Soy
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Hazelnuts
- Tomato (except low acid varieties)
- Corn
- Red Peppers – bell, spicy, etc.
- Strawberries
- Cantaloupe
Read about Our Family’s Battle With Eczema.
And learn about Natural Remedies for Eczema: What Worked for My Son
What triggers your child’s eczema or asthma? Has eliminating certain foods helped your skin?
My eldest son is allergic to dairy,egg,beef,sesame,fish,shellfish,peanuts/tree nuts,raspberries and mustard. He suffered from eczema horribly as a child. Now as a 15 year old teenager his eczema has improved greatly. It is easier now to notice skin eruptions such as cantelope (he can eat it but not touch it as his hands get itchy and red), oranges (he liimited to 1-2 a day during clemantine season. His face flares up red if he starts eating too many. He take himself off them completely when he starts to eat too many and he sees how his skin is) Coca Cola (as a child he would have a small can as a a treat on a fri and sat with a movie, barely had much to treat him with, his skin would flare up the next day, finally we put it together that it was the coke. Soon as he stopped having it, skin never flared up the next day. We think it was the caramel in it as caramel
can be derived from dairy. Even though coke denies it, I still encourage him to stay clear of it and caramel in general) You are doing a great job! I know how frustrating it can be! Susan H. @ the food allergy chronicles
He has some really interesting allergies that aren’t so common, particularly beef (I wonder if it’s something added during processing – is it the same with organic)? And caramel – I didn’t know that it could be derived from milk. Very good to know! Thanks!
In the past, we tried a few types of beef, all with the same results…too afraid to mess around with it, especially since his skin test comes back so positive. A friend of mine who’s son has a dairy allergy also stays clear of caramel at her allergist’s request. Believe me…I am constantly learning something!
Always learning – I’m right there with you!
Hi Jennifer,
When my eczema is flaring, peanuts definitely will definitely make it worse. My red rashes turn into huge swollen patches and I’m so itchy I can barely stay awake. Raw tomatoes are also a trigger, and for some reason they only seem to affect my hand, but cooked tomatoes are (mostly) fine. And thanks for adding me to your blog roll, I’m happily adding you to mine!
Oh yes, peanuts seem to be a huge trigger for lots of people. My son has so many allergies, but funny enough (or not) peanuts are not one of them. So happy to come across your blog. You’re now on my blog roll and also in the blog hop. I’ll look forward to following you. -Jennifer
Two of my daughters are allergic to beef, it makes their mouths itch. We have many foods that cause allergic reaction, but speaking strictly about eczema flare ups, wheat/gluten is the worst for both of them.
Gluten is the worst for my son’s eczema as well. And interesting that beef is an allergen for your daughters too. Susan said the same and I’d never heard of a beef allergy before.
Wow. I’m just in shock that they wouldn’t immediately prescribe an epi-pen for a nut allergy. You’d think they would just to cover their butts. I’m so glad that it didn’t get out of hand before you knew to insist on it! Go mama!
I know! Knowing what I know now, I’m shocked too. Hey, do you want to join the blog hop? If so, I’ll add you. Let me know! Jennifer
My daughter Sophie, has food allergies to tree-nuts, flax, sesame, melons, berries, chili peppers, eggs, dairy, all grains, pineapple and we both have celiac disease. She has asthma reaction to artificial fragrances (perfumes, scented laundry etc) and is allergic to dust mites, dust, dogs and grass. I just found your blog from a blog hop 🙂
I just found this blog–I’m in a bit of a different position but I can totally relate! I’m 18 years old and finally old enough to take myself to a naturopath. My parents tried the whole elimination diet thing with me when I was a toddler, to little effect, but I’ve dealt with constant eczema (and constantly infected eczema, which sucks even more–the ER late at night for staph infections is awful awful awful) for so long now I’m fed up. I’ve been off wheat and dairy for a week now (maybe it should be gluten completely?) and my skin seems to be improving! Crossing my fingers.
That’s exactly the two that were the worst eczema triggers for my son. He also reacts to soy and a few others, but dairy and wheat are the worst. It’s hard, isn’t it? It’s only been a week – do you miss any food yet? Would you like to share your story on my blog? I’d love your perspective of dealing with eczema as a child and what you remember of it all. Also, let me know if you’d like to join my blog hop! We’d love to have you. So happy you found the site! Jennifer
It’s so hard! The thing I miss the most is ice cream I think…I like sorbet just fine but I haven’t found a good dairy-free replacement for rich creamy amazingness. I’d love to share my experience! What kind of thing do have in mind?
Hi Kelsey – I’ve heard coconut bliss ice cream is great. Have you tried it yet? I’ll email you about guest blog. Jennifer
When we did the skin prick test for our daughter at about 9 or 10 months, she reacted to dairy, wheat, eggs and cats the worst. Our allergist also recommended eliminating chicken and beef, because the proteins in those meats may be similar to the proteins in the egg and milk/dairy that she reacts to. Since I’m still nursing her (now at 17 months), I, too, am egg, wheat & dairy free. We’ve been a little lax about it lately (at least what I’m eating) and while she does still itch a little, it’s no where near what it was, and we’ve never had really horribly bad reactions other than the rash, thank goodness. Thank you for sharing your stories and recipes. It’s very inspiring and supportive.
Hi Amie – So, interesting as I’ve never head about a possible connection to chicken/beef & egg/dairy, but it makes sense. That’s great news that you’ve been able to reduce your daughters reactions with her diet change. Thanks for sharing your story and I’m so happy you found the site! Jennifer
Hi my daughter is 16 and she had eczema all of her life but it was not as bad as now. we had the food allergy test but she just have allergy to barley and oats. she is not eating chocolate as much as before nor dairy product. now her dermatologist suggested Narrowband UVB phototherapy do any of you done this before?