Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema
Emotional Impact of Eczema
Caregiver Stress Syndrome: Living with a Child who has Allergies
By Tiffany Taft (bio below) Ask any parent of a child with a chronic illness if they experience stress and I suspect that they’d look at you like you were a bit off your rocker. Of course caring for a child with an illness comes with stress, and this stress can impact the whole household. …
Read MoreQuilted: A Poem About Living With Atopic Dermatitis
I found this poem at The Online Journal of Community and Person-Centered Dermatology and wanted to share it with you. It so accurately describes our lives, as parents, helping our children cope with atopic dermatitis and severe eczema. If you are an adult suffering from AD or eczema, you surely can relate as well. This…
Read MoreCoping with Food Allergies, Eczema, and Asthma – A Parent’s Guide
By Elika Kormeili (bio below) I remember as an adult telling my mom about my food allergies and her face dropped. The wheels in her head were already turning thinking about how she will adapt her recipes so that I can eat (thanks mom). I started reciting what I can and cannot eat – I paused…
Read MoreSending Your Child to School with Allergies: How to Cope
Today it hit me – my little boy will be starting school in the fall. In only three months he’ll be a preschooler, riding the bus and everything. He’s totally ready. I’m not. I’m sure ALL parents are nervous about their kid’s starting school.
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