Story Books for Children with Eczema

eczema stories

Eczema can really take a toll on our little ones. They have varying degrees of unsightly red patches on their skin and they sleep poorly since they’re up half the night itching. The itching can consume and distract them from otherwise fun activities like play time, eating, spending time with family and their diets are often limited due to food allergies. As parents we tote them around from doctor to doctor trying to determine the best treatment plan. We test different creams on our children to find the best one, many which end up stinging their delicate skin. On top of all this, many children with eczema must deal with bullying, which frightens the heck out of me.

That’s a lot for our kids to deal with and it can be really hard for them to understand why they have to go through all of it. Books explaining what eczema is in child friendly terms and stories of other children with eczema can really help your child feel less alone. They can relate and better understand their condition most often when they can relate to books and stories.

I have found some children’s books about eczema that I’d like to share with you. My son, Tristan, found most of the eczema stories pretty interesting and I’m sure your child will too. The children’s eczema books definitely helped him understand that he’s not the only child with eczema and itchy skin in the world, which definitely lifted his spirits on more than one occasion.

Under My Skin – (Free) Download the entire book or individual chapters about the physical side of eczema, triggers, the emotional side, or the healing side.

Penny’s Eggs-im-ah – (Free) Go to the StoryTeller tab at the bottom of the page to download this book in pdf format. This one is also great and prompts kids to really take control of their treatment plan.

I Have Eczema  – A relateable story for children with eczema.

Itchy Pig – A little pig ignores his mother’s warnings about his allergies and suffers the itchy consequences in this fun tale.

Camille’s Itchy Twitchy Eczema – Get inspired as one little girl teachers her class about her misunderstood skin condition.

Emmy’s Eczema – For dino lovers! See how this adorable dinosaur gets help from friends to soothe her itchy skin.

Itchy Kids Club – silly poems about having itchy skin.

Princess Emily and the Terrible Itch – A young prince goes on a quest to help cure his princess sister’s itchy skin.

I Have Eczema, So What? – Maya learns to be happy in life despite her itchy skin and eczema.

Archangel Uriel Heals Eczema – A child turns to Archangel Uriel to guide her in overcoming the feelings of hate she has for her eczema.

So What’s Eczema – This book uses poetry and art to each kids about eczema.

Malcolm Finney Medical Detective – The Case of… Itch and Rash– A kid friendly explanation of eczema tucked into a medical adventure. Best for ages 6-12.

Can I Tell You About Eczema – For kids 6 and up. Read one child’s perspective about her eczema – what it feels like, how to heal it and more.

My Itchy Body – For kids 7 and up. A learning guide to teach kids about itchy skin – the facts, myths, cures, causes and all.

The Itchy-saurus – The dino with an itch that can’t be scratched. He can’t eat, he can’t sleep and it’s driving him wild!

I hope your children enjoy the stories! If you know of any others, please let me know and I will gladly add them to this list.


Read More: 

How to Build Confidence in Kids With Eczema

4 Tips for Parents Managing Eczema in Children


  1. MarcieMom on February 3, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    Hi! Thanks for the mention on my book A to Z Animals are not Scratching! It’s going to be printed by the National Skin Centre in Singapore and I’m waiting to see how it’d turn out. It will be distributed to their children eczema patients.

    Also, I’m working on a few coloring pages as well as valentine’s day using the animals in the book. Will let you know.

    Separately, I’ve been contacted to make the book to an app. Maybe your readers can let me know if they think it’s something they will buy. It cost 4 figure US$ to get into an app, anyone knows of cheaper source?

    • Jennifer on February 3, 2012 at 2:29 pm

      Of course! Always happy to help a fellow eczema mom! Really exciting that you’re getting published. Congrats! Do keep me posted on the coloring pages – I’d love to feature or promote those as well. As far as the app – no clue. Maybe ask around on Twitter? Jennifer

  2. Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles on February 6, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    I have an actual copy of the book Penny’s EGGS-im-ah. Our pediatric dermatologist had copies at his office. I thought I had a copy of another children’s book on allergies, but I am unable to find it at the moment. Great idea to highlight books for kids with eczema.

    • Jennifer on February 7, 2012 at 2:03 pm

      Yes, that’s a cute book! We borrowed one from our local children’s hospital library. Tristan enjoyed it.

  3. Erika Kimble on August 16, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    I am a nurse practitioner and an author of a soon to be released children’s book all about eczema! Bandages & Boo-Boos Press is releasing Malcolm Finney, Medical Detective: The Case of Itch and Rash on August 25, 2012. A portion of all purchases made from the website at will be donated to The National Eczema Association on launch day. Books will also be available for donation to NEA. Log on to the site and check-out the book!
    Erika Kimble, Author

    • Jennifer on August 17, 2012 at 9:13 am

      How wonderful! I’m very happy to share this with everyone on FB and Twitter as well. Looks like a great book. Thank you for writing this book! Jennifer

      • Erika Kimble on August 19, 2012 at 9:29 am

        Great! I hope everyone enjoys the book and finds it a useful tool for combating the itch and scratch cycle of eczema.

  4. Yan Tan on August 23, 2012 at 8:55 am

    Hi Jennifer,

    Just wrote a book on the social aspect of eczema – Izzy suffered from Eczema and she was bothered by it. School bullies said she was contagious and wouldn’t play with her! Find out how Izzy stood up to the bullies and finally stopped letting eczema get in the way of making friends and feeling good about herself.

    Hope your readers and their charges will enjoy the illustrations and the story!

    For free downloads of the book use this discount coupon code: XV57V
    Download link:

    • Jennifer on August 24, 2012 at 1:02 pm

      So happy to learn about your book! I hope lots of children will benefit from it. Thanks for sending the link. Jennifer

  5. Stacey on October 26, 2012 at 9:32 pm

    Hello I was just wondering if you can send me this book through the post as I have no printer ??

    • Jennifer on October 29, 2012 at 10:23 am

      Hi Stacey – I’ll send you an email about this. Sadly, I don’t have a printed version.

  6. Louise on August 5, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    Hi. I wrote a book for kids going through steroid withdrawals.

    It’s called “taming the scratchy monster” and it is about a young boy who is being harassed by a monster with itchy prickles!

    It is currently available on the website and 100 percent of the book proceeds go to the Itsan charity.

    • Jennifer on August 7, 2013 at 1:46 pm

      Wonderful! Thank you for letting us know!

  7. QnUzDHFfTAvfYSmFaCildUViilXVxlAoFRhCbujjDqE= on September 2, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    Thank you so much for this!

  8. Maureen Himler on February 11, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    Hi! Just wanted to thank you for including our book Princess Emily and the Terrible Itch! on your list. It means a lot – thank you!

  9. Marcela ALATORRE on August 22, 2019 at 8:26 am

    Hello. I would love for you to include the book I published in aid of Skin Treatment And Research Trust. The children’s book is called:
    Michael’s Eczema.
    You can find it in Amazin or in bookstores such as Blavkwell’s Oxford and Daunt books.
    It was rated as no. 1 book by the website “my eczema story”. Thank you.

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