American Eczema Awareness Month

October is eczema awareness month in the United States.  In Canada it will be celebrated in November (more to come on that next month).

In October, $1 from every sale will be donated to National Eczema Association.

So, let’s spread as much eczema awareness as possible in the US in October!  But how? Here are a few ideas:

  • Speak to your child’s school or class to educate them about the myths and truths about eczema.
  • Form a support group in your area, the National Eczema Association can help.
  • Raise funds and donate them to help a family get to National Jewish Hospital’s Atopic Clinic or donate money or time to a local support group.

$1 from every sale will be donated to the National Eczema Association!

FROM: Eczema

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