Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema

Posts Tagged ‘itchy skin’

Why Your Eczema Burns From Certain Creams

Ouch!  Does your eczema burn when putting on lotion or cream?  You’re not alone. Many people suffering from eczema report a burning or stinging sensation when using cream to hydrate their skin.  But wait – isn’t keeping your skin moisturized one of the most important steps in healing your eczema?  How can something that’s supposed…

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5 Natural Treatments for Dry Eczema

By Laura Dolgy (bio below) Eczema can be a complicated skin disease, but it does have several noticeable characteristics. Aside from itchy and oozing eczema, many suffer from severe dry skin either on their face, body or hands. With winter just around the corner, we know how awful dry eczema can get. This week, we’re focusing…

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How to Eradicate Keratosis Pilaris

By Laura Dolgy I’ll never forget the days I used to watch my dad pick away at his arms incessantly in our home bathroom. I was always so fascinated as to what he was doing. It wouldn’t be until a few years later when I started seeing those same pinkish/white dots on my arms that…

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Topical Steroid Addiction: A Journey

By Melissa Hawira (bio below) What I want to share with you today is my story of eczema and topical steroid addiction how I overcame both conditions and my now burning desire to help people conquer eczema themselves through my website Top Eczema Treatments that discusses natural eczema treatments.

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The Difference Between Dermatitis and Topical Steroid Induced Dermatitis

By Leslie (Bio below) The term “Eczema” is characterized by a general inflammation of the skin, and covers a broad range of various forms of dermatitis – atopic, contact, xerotic, seborrhoeic, nummular, discoid, venous eczema etc. The typical default treatment (and gold standard) for such generic cases of Eczema is through the prescription and usage of…

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Guide to Using Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema in 6 Easy Steps!

Have you tried wet wrap therapy for eczema? It provides great relief for babies, children, and adults. Wet wrapping decreases staph bacteria on the skin, reduces redness and inflammation, hydrates the skin, and lessons itching – all of which can lead to more restful sleep for the whole family! And results can usually be seen…

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