Itchy Little World - Natural remedies for eczema

Posts Tagged ‘allergic reaction’

Linking Eczema and Allergies: Is Pollen Causing Your Skin to Flare?

By Dr. Hotze (see bio below) You may be familiar with eczema flare-ups in the winter, as the combination of dry air and extreme temperature changes (cold outside, hot inside) can exacerbate your skin’s condition. However, have you ever considered the correlation between your eczema and allergies? As a doctor who’s treated many people with eczema, I’ve…

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Becoming a Food Allergy Mom

  By Elizabeth Flora Ross (Bio below) “I think she’s allergic to strawberries,” my husband said one night. I was dubious. My daughter’s eyes would water, her nose would run and she would sneeze when she ate them. But I did not recognize those as food allergy symptoms – I dismissed it as seasonal allergies. One evening as…

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After an Anaphylactic Reaction – The Road to Recovery

It’s been just over two weeks since Tristan’s first anaphylactic reaction. Since then I’ve realized a few things and learned even more from all the supportive comments and words of encouragement from all of you (which I am extremely grateful for! Thank you!). 1) False negatives with food allergy tests are more common than you’d…

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Have Success with Our Eczema Elimination Diet

An eczema elimination diet really isn’t as hard as it may seem and for many, it provides a great sense of relief when food allergies or intolerances are discovered. In truth, it’s deciding to do the elimination diet for atopic dermatitis and embracing your decision by fully planning and preparing for it, that’s the hardest. But…

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Having Eczema & Being Happy!

I was so charmed by the incredibly cute Asthma Peeps stickers for asthma inhalers and spacers that I asked Kym, the lovely and brilliant momma behind their creation, to share how she managed her daughter’s eczema. -Jennifer   Asthma, Eczema, and Attitude By Kym Latter (bio below) When my daughter was just a baby she…

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