How Eating A Plant Based Diet For Eczema Encourages Healing

By Debbie Adler (see bio below)
My son was born with severe eczema as well as life threatening food allergies to practically all of the top 8 food allergens, which include dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
The eczema was easy to spot. His face, the backs of his knees, and his arms were covered with angry red, blotchy patches from the time he was six months old.
The food allergies were not so obvious. We learned the hard way. After my son ate some frozen yogurt, when he was one-years-old, he almost died.
Eventually, we found out his body DID NOT want to have anything to do with dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, sesame and flaxseeds.
Glop upon glop of gels and creams did not afford ANY relief for my son’s eczema.
And every day I wondered how on earth I was going to feed my son when he was allergic to so many foods.
As desperation set in, I started looking for answers to a diet for eczema. Research was the only way I knew how to get a grip, since our pediatrician did not have any answers for us.
And what I discovered, after reading scientific journals, books and results of clinical studies, changed the course of my life forever.
Here it is in a sunflower seed (I couldn’t bring myself to say nutshell):
- When you are dealing with autoimmune disorders, which is what eczema is, the last thing you should ingest is DAIRY. In the groundbreaking book, The China Study, they proved that casein, the protein found in dairy, wreaks havoc with the immune system.
- Since eczema results in inflammatory symptoms (red, itchy blotches on skin) it is imperative to DECREASE INFLAMMATION in the body if you want relief. A plant based diet rife with vegetables, fruits and whole grains is naturally anti-inflammatory.
- When our vital organs are in between digesting foods, is when our bodies do their HEALING. Animal protein is very hard to digest so it leaves less time for your body to heal. The less healing, the more eczema hangs around. Plant based foods are much easier to digest and therefore eating them frees up energy so our bodies can repair damage.
- Studies show that many foods such as dairy, eggs, meat, shellfish, sugar, peanuts, soy, and wheat are triggers for eczema. When you eliminate these triggers you will probably see the eczema disappear.
- A healthy microbiome (also referred to as gut flora) is key to keeping our immune system healthy. It’s important to eat probiotic foods for this purpose. Things like sauerkraut, pickles, miso soup and kimchi. This beneficial bacteria helps heal the gut, which in turn helps boost immunity and fight inflammation. This helps eczema tremendously.
What I didn’t tell you is that while this was happening, I was breastfeeding my son. So, of course, I had to eliminate these allergens from my diet as well. Otherwise they would be passed through the milk, to him, and his eczema would flare.
Read More: Food Allergies and Breastfeeding: 7 Tips for Undergoing a Breastfeeding Elimination Diet
My life changed once I cut out all the allergens and started eating a plant based diet. Here’s what happened:
- My skin started to clear up and look more youthful
- I started to have more energy
- Little aches and pains I used to have disappeared
- I lost some excess weight naturally, without trying, and have kept it off (without trying)
- My passion for preparing delicious allergy-free/plant based meals led to a book deal with the publishers of The China Study and Sweet, Savory & Free was born!
So every which way you turn points to the elaborate benefits of a eating plant based diet.
And when you’re dealing with auto-immune issues, like eczema, you will see the results right before your eyes.
Have you or your loved one experienced similar symptoms? Sometimes healing eczema from the inside out is the only thing you really need to relieve your eczema.
Read More: To get started on an elimination diet, make sure to check out this post:
Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!).
Looking for plant based skincare for eczema? Check out The Eczema Company for vegan eczema treatments.
Bio: Debbie Adler is an award-winning author and her cookbook Sweet, Savory & Free is available wherever books are sold.
FROM: Allergies, Contributors, Eczema
This is the step we have taken with our son recently. We have seen some improvement but not a lot so I was looking for what other things needed to be eliminated. And I woke up to this article in my inbox. Thanks for sharing this. I was running out of ideas on what to prepare for him. I know green juices are helpful too. Changing what he eats is not easy as he loves dairy and I can’t do substitutes as he is allergic to soy.
Surprising info ! I never knew that eczema has any connection with what we eat.
When you started doin AIP did you still avoid meat or did you introduced meat to your diet since AIP includes meats?
Hi Nancy, this post was a guest post, I’m not sure she ever did the AIP diet.
We’ve been on a plant-based diet for 7 years, and my 64-year-old husband just got eczema on his upper thighs and upper arms. Any suggestions here for alleviating the itch and redness?